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Customers are the heart of any business. But most businesses seem to struggle with connecting with the customer. The biggest mistake that businesses make is by calling the customer up. No one wants to answer a phone and instead will wait till it leaves a voicemail. The quickest and easiest way to involve your customers in your business is through texts. Communication is key within any business, without it, your business cannot thrive. If you think that your communication is poor, keep on reading to find out how to change that.
You’re Being Ignored
Most businesses struggle to connect with their customers because customers don’t want to answer their phone. So, the easiest thing that you can do is send them a text. You can get an instant response from a text. Whereas, apparently 84% of calls and voicemails are left unanswered. So, you’re just wasting valuable time.
You are also probably annoying the customer as well. If they wanted to talk to you, they would have picked the phone up. You’ll also find that people might not pay attention to what you are saying when you talk to them over the phone, instead, you should send a short message with all the appropriate information. Customers respond well when they can see the information in front of them.
Customers Communicate Better Over Texts
Texting is the easiest way to communicate with your customers. There are so many things that you can do over text, such as send out promotions, coupons, you can even do Appointment reminders with SMS. This is a great idea, as customers will appreciate the reminder. Sending appointment reminders over text are much more effective than email or voice reminders because they are seen more frequently.
Customers will appreciate the reminder as they might have potentially forgotten that they had an appointment with you. It will also help them reschedule if needs be. If you tried to communicate with them over email or as a voice reminder, then they are less likely to receive meaning that they could miss their appointment.
Works Instantly
Texting is the quickest way of engaging your customer. It’s pretty much instant. You no longer have to wait for them to reply to your emails. You don’t have to make small talk over the phone, instead, you just send a simple text message with all the appropriate information and you’re done. Texts get a 98% open rate and within fifteen minutes 85% will have read and opened your message. That’s pretty quick.
The best part is, that when it comes to texting you won’t have to worry about learning anything new. In this day and age, everyone pretty much knows how to text as most people have a mobile phone. You don’t have to worry about formatting or including an interesting introduction like you would an email. You just simply send a quick text. If you would like to learn more about different forms of communications such as email and text, you can find out which one is better here.
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This article points out how the times have changed regarding communicating to your clients.