In order to reach a 93% chance of converting a lead, it takes an agent about 6 attempts; meanwhile, 10 to 15 are the number of 2-minute calls one has to make within the span of an hour; and, on an average, a sales agent needs to keep in touch with a clientele … [Read more...]
How to Increase Mobile App Retention Rate
Crunch Competition It is hard to achieve sufficient portable application engagement and consistency standards in this market of mobile apps. Indeed, client deserting (applications utilized just once and afterward surrendered) has significantly risen to 25% this year, up from a … [Read more...]
What Will a Cashless Economy Look Like?
These days, technology influences every element of our lives. And although we have seamlessly merged technology into modern life, most of us hang on to the old-fashioned methods, too, as a backup in case something goes wrong. But as the tech sector advances, one critical element … [Read more...]
10 Benefits of a Centralised Distribution System
One of the best ways to alleviate the logistic nightmares of operating multiple distribution centres is to create a central distribution centre. The organization and set-up of the stores depend upon the requirements and have to be tailor-made to meet the specific needs of the … [Read more...]
5 Easy Ways to Improve Customer Experience
Customer satisfaction plays an incredibly important role in any business. Naturally, every company wants to have happy customers, the ones who are always more than ready to tell their friends about their magnificent experience with a company. Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly … [Read more...]