Dealing with angry customers could be one of the most challenging aspects of the customer service job. These are situations that could quickly escalate to tense moments leaving an impact on the customer’s desire to do business with a company in the future. But the good news is … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Be a Better Boss and Improve Employee Relations
Dealing with bad or unbearable bosses is something we will all go through in our working lives, and it can be the biggest factor in our decision to move on to a new role. To make sure that you have the best chance of keeping those valuable employees and keeping productivity … [Read more...]
4 Major Ideas and Strategies for Creating a Killer Explanatory Business Video
Are you planning to make an investment in an explanatory video this year for better marketing results? We all know that business videos can explain your products and services in 60 – 90 seconds. Explanatory business videos are considered to be one of the best ways of engaging … [Read more...]
The Advantages of Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity conjures up notions of gender equality, fairness, balance, celebrating differences or different things/people existing together in a group, affirmative action and or sexual equality et al. The era of working 9 to 5 has long gone in most industries. This reality may be … [Read more...]
Top Tips for Effective Team Meetings
Have you ever come away from a meeting feeling that you did not get your message across? Have you ever sat in a meeting where everyone wants to get their point across and nobody wants to listen? Have you ever had a meeting and then wondered what it was about? Do you face bored … [Read more...]