Being successful in business today involves much more than the latest marketing, branding and sales techniques. Getting to the next level requires a big shift in energy, mindset and attitude. However, I know that maintaining a positive focus when faced with challenges, … [Read more...]
How to Build a Business That’s Worth Your Efforts
Most entrepreneurs create a company for one reason – to provide themselves with an income. However, you should consider an important, second reason – to create an asset that is a business. Let’s consider the question of how to sell your business. But, before you can sell … [Read more...]
How Your Circle of Friends Influence Who You Become
For many years, I lived by the belief that how smart and talented I was, would be the single, most important factor in determining my level of success in life. The grades I thought I had to achieve through sacrificing nights, weekends and holidays for. Having to consistently … [Read more...]
Restricting Your Business’ Marketing Activity
Mention selling to most people and they can all recount tales of being ‘cold’ called or ‘pressure’ sold. We all probably have experienced the unwelcome attention of someone who wants to make a sale but has forgotten that they’re talking and dealing with an individual. As a … [Read more...]
Thinking of Podcasting for Your Business?
There’s so much talk about podcasts and podcasting at the moment, and the reason it is seeing a resurgence is because of smartphones. Smartphones give us access to information in real-time, and we can choose how and where we want to consume it. What this means for businesses is … [Read more...]