Entrepreneurs often find it easy to get started, but a lot harder to keep going when things get a bit more tough. When you first start out, you are focused on your "WHY", you have passion and that tends to carry you forward and keep you motivated. Running a business … [Read more...]
Is it time for Emotional Intelligence?
Have you heard the terms 'think outside the box' 'develop a new narrative' 'create a paradigm shift' 'blue sky thinking or 'assess all available options'? You've probably heard them or similar ones relating to the need to be innovative as you increase your market share within … [Read more...]
How to Overcome the Fear of Success
It may sound like a bit of a contradiction to think of someone being fearful of success, but it happens more often than we realise. For whatever reasons, many of us are wired to fear our own success. It may be that achieving that success brings us out of our comfort … [Read more...]
Tune In and Turn Off
Technology gives us the opportunity to be “always on” and the illusion of increased productivity. The reality is that it’s not healthy, and in the long run, you will be less productive. Even understanding this, it can be hard to resist the pressure to quickly check email or … [Read more...]
Trying too hard to get it right?
When I was a child, I spent a lot of time trying to ‘fit in’. My family moved around a lot, so I had plenty of practice at being the new kid at school. One thing I got good at doing was adapting. This comes in handy when you’re setting up in business, exploring new ground, … [Read more...]