Is cash dead? Many have been predicting this for some time now. Even though online shopping is ever increasing, the disappearance of cash is still some way off, if it will ever happen. So, let's take a closer look at the future of money in the business. What is Cash? What … [Read more...]
Pros and Cons of Digital Meetings
Technology has made a lot of things possible, with businesses now able to operate virtually and offer their employees work from home opportunities. At the centre of it all are virtual meetings that allow businesses to connect with their employees, investors, and other third … [Read more...]
What Is the Cheapest FIFA Coin Website?
Every FIFA game player who knows their options, know that how essential Fifa coins are to have good gameplay. From buying the best players to getting useful bonus content, coins are a must-have item in FIFA. They are the currency used in making purchases in FIFA, and without … [Read more...]
How Digital Technology Innovations Affect Today’s Society
Society gives purpose to technology, for technology is made to help man—for better or for worse. From the moment man picked up the first tool in his hand to aid him in his task, to where he is today with all the advancement he has accomplished, technology has always been there at … [Read more...]
Facts on Digitisation and Future of Business & Workforce 2020
Work has always been an all-consuming entity, but this has become an even more pressing trend in recent times. More specifically, it’s estimated that most people spend a third of all waking hours at work, with this equating to more than 90,000 hours over the course of a … [Read more...]