Many credit card companies are not interested in helping people get out of credit card debt. The credit cards they offer often have high interest rates and fees, making it difficult for someone to pay off the balance. Getting out of credit card debt is essential for many … [Read more...]
Overcoming the Student Loan Crisis
Student loan debt has reached astronomical levels in the U.S., with 43 million Americans carrying an estimated $1.7 trillion in federal loan student debt and $119 billion in private student loans. Student debt has increased rapidly over the past 20 years, one of the main … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast
Landing in debt isn't uncommon. The average American is around $52,940 in debt. This could be a combination of a mortgage, a car loan, credit cards, and other forms of debt. Living debt-free allows more money in your pockets, which you can then use for more important … [Read more...]
Resolvly Encourages People to Get Their Debt Under Control
Debt in America is getting out of control, and one of the biggest culprits is credit cards. A recent consumer findings report from Experian revealed that Millennials -- which make up the highest percentage of the U.S. workforce -- have an average credit card debt of more than … [Read more...]
6 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score Fast
Having a bad credit score can significantly reduce your chances of securing a loan, getting your mortgage application approved or even renting an apartment. Sadly, more than 11% of Americans possess a bad credit score with derogatory marks. This puts consumers between a rock and … [Read more...]
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