Chat apps are everywhere these days. People communicate by text message, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Telegram, and dozens of other similar ways. Whereas once everyone communicated through phone calls, now we communicate by typing into our smartphones. Yet … [Read more...]
6 Account Management Tips for Sales Success
Businesses these days put a lot of importance on customer experience–using it to gauge if they are doing better than their competitors. They use industry statistics and customer surveys as a means to gather data like preferences and demands customers want from their … [Read more...]
International Retail Expansion 101 – Infographic
Expanding internationally can indeed be a viable strategy for brick and mortar retailers looking to scale their business. However, it requires careful planning, research, and execution to ensure success in new markets. Here are some key considerations and steps to keep in mind … [Read more...]
Take Full Control of Your Business Phone System
In order to reach a 93% chance of converting a lead, it takes an agent about 6 attempts; meanwhile, 10 to 15 are the number of 2-minute calls one has to make within the span of an hour; and, on an average, a sales agent needs to keep in touch with a clientele … [Read more...]
How to Get Positive User Experience for Your Business
Starting and successfully managing a business can be a tedious task, to say the least. You have to worry about investors, market shares, suppliers, vendors, product launches, and service announcements and once you’ve made your first sale, you’ll realize that you’re actually just … [Read more...]