We earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Everyone knows using video is a shrewd business move, but unpicking video marketing can be challenging. From online video platforms to brand engagement metrics- there’s a lot to take in. How can you begin to use … [Read more...]
The Psychology of Colour
For retailers, shopping is the art of persuasion. When marketing new products it is crucial to consider that consumers place visual appearance and colour above other factors such as sound, smell, and texture. In their article "Color Coded: What Your Favorite Color Says … [Read more...]
How to Increase Office Security on a Budget
Security is one of the important issues every business should pay attention to. As technology advances, we need to put more and more effort into securing our offices. Still, that does not mean you should spend large amounts of money on it. There are many tips you can follow in … [Read more...]
Education: A Good or Bad Investment?
Determining the right path for your education comes with a great deal of pressure. The decisions you make today will weigh on your future in terms of happiness, security and financial issues. While you cannot know how your future will turn out, taking the time to dwell on your … [Read more...]
What Can We Learn From Unsuccessful Businesses
A failing business is a tough school. It is not worth attending, but it definitely teaches you a thing or two about entrepreneurship. The culture we live in only praises successful entrepreneurs. This is a great motivator that pushes us to always go forward, but it also makes … [Read more...]