Social media has made a great impact on this generation. Most people nowadays take selfies while they are traveling out of town or just at home watching Netflix. Even businesses have adapted to the advancement of technology and market their products online. Others use social … [Read more...]
These Four Things Are What Every Business Needs
The fact that you’re reading this article at this moment tells me one thing: You are on to something big and great. For starters, I know that you’re considering or trying to make your debut as a businessman or entrepreneur. And my lucky guess is that you’re also a little … [Read more...]
An Insight to Concessions vs High Street Stores
Although many businesses are facing struggles on the high street, QUIZ seems to be stronger than ever. Could this be down to the number of its concessions rather than physical stores? Read on, as we compare the success of concession stores with regular standing shops and discuss … [Read more...]
Looking Past the Jobs Boards
Recruitment is always daunting for companies looking to expand their workforce and find the best talent to lead and form their ranks. A really good employee has always been hard to find, but in an age of social media saturation, it’s harder than ever before. Many businesses … [Read more...]
4 Simple Tips for Organising Your Company’s Finances
To focus effectively on your company’s product, and the creative aspect of running your business, you need to have a clear mind and a healthy budget. But if your financial accounts are unstructured, you’ll have neither. Your focus will shift from creating and working on new … [Read more...]