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Online commerce like Asian beauty wholesale has proven to be a huge hit for the beauty industry. Both major established brands and new players have boosted sales by online commerce. Nowadays, online marketing has become a crucial strategy for successfully entering the beauty industry. Here’s how you can dominate the beauty industry via e-commerce solutions.
The rise of the ‘well-informed consumer’
The online beauty industry has been made possible with the rise of the so-called ‘well-informed consumer’. Well-informed consumers are people whose buying preferences aren’t limited to more buying power and convenience. These are consumers with increased awareness of how the products they patronize and purchase have social factors as well.
Here are some secrets to successfully navigating the e-commerce beauty industry:
1. Study your demographics
Young people aged 15-35, the so-called Millennials, are the main driving audience who comprise the bulk of today’s social media. These are tech-savvy young individuals who seamlessly integrate modern technology into their daily routines, thanks to ubiquitous smartphones, apps, and WiFi technology that makes it easy to upload your post-shower or travel pics with one click.
Millennials are experts in keeping up with the latest technological and social media trends via liking, sharing, and publishing real-time feedback (e.g. tweets and comments) on various social media channels (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram). Their tech-savviness and social media currency is both a good and bad thing since millennials aren’t afraid of airing out their opinions to the entire world via social media, be it praise or criticism. The key to winning is by boosting your branding image and taking measures to mitigate negative social media exposure.
2. Streamline yet personalize customer engagement
Add a personal touch to your branding by reaching out and attending to customers through a wide range of online platforms, such as quality online customer support and pre or post-sales social media engagement. Because your business heavily relies on online support, investing in good customer service is recommended. Clients browsing through your online store are likely to ask questions about your product, especially since they have no way of personally testing your products. Thus, having a user-friendly frequently asked questions (FAQs) page or knowledge base and having a team of well-trained customer support is paramount in gaining and keeping customer loyalty.
A recent trend in the online beauty industry is extending customer engagement to social media platforms. Companies also set up social media accounts for their brands such as Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, and YouTube channels. These platforms are helpful for updating consumers about new products, posting product promotions, discounts, giveaways, beauty tips, and product how-tos to increase brand knowledge and exposure. Also, responding to questions and comments via social media accounts is incredibly helpful in developing a positive social media image. Immediately clarifying issues that may damage the brand and redirecting customers to the brand’s homepage both increases sales and builds customer’s trust in your brand.
3. Collaborate with online marketplaces and retailers
Collaborating with online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and Walmart are also vital for dominating the online beauty industry. Online retailers help increase exposure to a wider range of clients who may not be as engaged via social media, such as older professionals who are busy or unfamiliar with social media and prefer to buy things online for convenience. Also, most online retailers have efficient shipping and delivery options for people who may not have access to your products (e.g. country-specific limitations and language barriers). Also, collaborating with the best digital healthcare platforms like who have been offering services related to hair care, etc. could as well prove profitable in the long run because of the increase in the number of services your customers can now get because of the new association.
4. The power of micro-influencers
Micro-influencers are individuals who gain fans and followers and acquire a semi-celebrity status because of the helpful product reviews, beauty tips, and information they share to audiences via social media like YouTube vloggers and Instagram celebrities. These people are seen as experts in their field and are trusted by both beginners and makeup aficionados alike. Michelle Phan, Huda Kattan, and Jen Chae are some of the most popular beauty micro-influencers who have gained significant followers throughout the years.
A product reviewed and endorsed by a micro-influencer may immediately boost the sales of an otherwise obscure brand.
Prioritize on Your Online Campaigns
The secret to dominating the e-commerce beauty industry is by acquiring effective online marketing strategies and leveraging social media currency. By gaining a strong foothold in the online beauty industry, you can increase exposure to reach wider audiences. However, you need to come up with an effective strategy to dominate this competitive, fast-changing industry.
The online beauty industry may be competitive and fast-changing, but with the right knowledge of consumer demographics, market collaborations, and efficient marketing strategies, successfully dominating the beauty e-commerce industry is profitable, worthwhile, and exciting.
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