Do you have a business or brand and want to know how to get more customers without spending too much money? Have you seen just how many companies and brands are using Instagram for marketing purposes and want to know how you can be utilising it too? With the advent of social … [Read more...]
How Are Brands Marketing Using Instagram?
Do you have a business or brand and want to know what different approaches you can take to marketing? Have you ever thought about using Instagram to market your business or brand but have no idea how to go about it or even its benefits? Instagram is a popular social media … [Read more...]
17 Office Must-Haves to Enhance Productivity and Functionality
As a corporation, there is a need to make each work hour count towards productivity. Since you desire to execute tasks without hitches, you want to have all your needs in easily accessible areas. And you can accomplish that by bringing in specific equipment, devices, and tools … [Read more...]
Workplace Discrimination Examples, Laws, And Steps To Deal With It
The concept of workplace discrimination is not new. It comes in many forms. Sometimes an employee may be denied an anticipated position, while at other times, an employee performing their duty well may be terminated on unreasonable grounds. Some workers are continually harassed … [Read more...]
Temporary Dismissal: Should You Get a Lawyer?
The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a massive number of layoffs. People have lost their means of livelihood and have to sit at home, browsing through job portals to look for any available openings. Moreover, in some cases, people have not been laid off permanently. They’ve … [Read more...]