Professional web designers and graphics creatives can charge big fees, but until you’ve worked out what you want they’re a waste of money. Website expert Steve Benjamins explains the thinking behind lean design, where costs are tiny, but learning is huge. If you’re building a … [Read more...]
7 Elements That Need to be on Your Landing Pages
Landing pages have a variety of purposes, so no two of them are exactly alike. One page could be inviting users to sign up for a newsletter. Another is inviting attendees to register for a conference in Toronto, and yet another is selling safer helmets to cyclists. While the … [Read more...]
Quora – Wisdom in the Social Crowd
The Internet is a whirlwind of data where the greater part of it is genuine, and quite a bit of it is false. Endeavours, for example, Wikipedia have demonstrated that by and large, Internet users have much learning on a wide range of subjects, learning that can be ordered and … [Read more...]
Evolution of Drupal from Drop to Top
Drupal is a powerful CMS (Content Management System) that is respected due to its versatility and security. Drupal fuels more than 100,000 websites. Because of these features a huge number of Drupal clients include Government organizations, education industry, healthcare sector … [Read more...]
Responsive Web Design Can No Longer Remain Optional
A responsive web design is one which creates the same response irrespective of the device or the screen size. You have to avail the web design services of a reliable digital company. People are more inclined to use mobiles than computers to access the web nowadays. The … [Read more...]