Having teams that are brimming with confidence and competence is a recipe for business success. Providing staff with relevant workplace training and development is key to nurturing both confidence and competence among teams. Naturally, some workplace training and teambuilding … [Read more...]
5 Easy Ways to Improve Customer Experience
Customer satisfaction plays an incredibly important role in any business. Naturally, every company wants to have happy customers, the ones who are always more than ready to tell their friends about their magnificent experience with a company. Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly … [Read more...]
How to Get the Most Out of Management Training
Having the very best managers is something every company should strive to achieve. Managers are on the frontline of communication and have a direct impact on the morale and productivity of the team. An underperforming manager can have damaging effects on a company. This includes … [Read more...]
What the Apprenticeship Levy Means for Businesses
On April 6, 2017, the Apprenticeship Levy came into force in England. These changes to the way apprenticeship training is funded will be rolled out across the UK from May this year. The Apprenticeship Levy is a tax on employers in the UK, which have annual wage bill of more than … [Read more...]
Training The Employees of The Future
Employee training means preparing your staff for the future, but what about the future of employee training itself? Even though the way we teach has remained the same for thousands of years, it still has the potential to change. Like everything else in business, it’s vital to … [Read more...]