Product buzz is great, isn't it? One minute we’re all watching our smartphones and then BAM - we’re all excited for new Google Glasses and we want to watch the world through them. The buzz that comes up around new products infiltrates everything that we do online - let’s be … [Read more...]
Are Moving Blankets Worth The Hype? Find Out From This Guide
Some items come in handy for everyday activities, while others save the day at, sometimes rare, but special moments - an example being a moving blanket. Of course, there are other basic moving supplies, like packing papers and moving boxes. But these items are almost impractical … [Read more...]
Grab The Customer Attention With Perfectly Designed Product Label
For the survival of your business, you need to sell. But with rising competition and easy availability of substitute products, attracting customers is becoming challenging. According to the Paper and Packaging Board’s research, approximately 72% (7 in 10) customers accept that … [Read more...]
Cleaning Your Business Can Be Faster with Backpack Vacuums
The cleanliness of your business space impacts the reputation of your business and affects the health of your employees and customers. Several business owners employ specialized cleaning staff to clean their premises regularly. The task of vacuuming your interiors may be … [Read more...]
Top Uses for RFID in Business
When we think about using technology to improve profits, increase efficiencies, reduce stress, and provide better customer service, we tend to think about popular tools we use daily in an office or tech-based equipment and machines. However, technology permeates pretty … [Read more...]