Efficiency is a term that we often hear in the business world. True enough, achieving a good bottom line largely relies on whether the business is efficient in managing all its resources and operations. But easier said than done, optimizing your business for maximum efficiency is … [Read more...]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing
To outsource or not to outsource; that is the question small business owners are facing in modern-day business operation. Alternative service providers are on the rise, and their growing popularity has shifted outsourcing from marginalised alternative to a viable option for many … [Read more...]
Disorganised Employees Can Cost Managers Up to 10% of Their Salary
AnyJunk take a look into the implications that cluttered desks can have on a business and its employee productivity, as well as tips and solutions for decluttering the office. The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) found in a study that disorganisation can … [Read more...]
Store Opening and Closing Checklist for Managers
Countless tasks make up a store manager’s day. Some are repeated at many businesses on a daily basis; some are unique to your business. Following these handy checklists can help improve efficiency and operations. Store Opening and Closing Checklist for Managers created … [Read more...]
Setting Up an Electronic Filing System
Whether it’s for work or home, good record keeping is a must. Although you may not necessarily work in a fully paperless environment, setting up an efficient electronic filing system that is easy to maintain, is essential for any type of office. Your electronic filing system … [Read more...]