When you prioritize the individuals who choose your business, it becomes easier to retain customers in the long term by maintaining relationships. Putting all your effort into marketing to get new customers puts you at risk of losing commitments after only a few months. Giving … [Read more...]
Interesting Strategies to Increase Customer Retention Rates
In business, it costs more to consistently bring in new customers, than it does to maintain your current ones. However, the road to earning a client’s trust and their repeat custom is a long and complicated one, so it’s hardly surprising that businesses in their infancy are more … [Read more...]
How to Improve Guest Satisfaction and Increase Retention
For business owners, customers have always been a priority. However, so many tasks demand their attention and time that the main blood of the business often gets neglected. But guest satisfaction and increased retention cannot be underestimated. Brands must be on top of their … [Read more...]
How Loyalty Programs Can Boost Customer Retention
These days, it’s not enough for a business to offer a great product or provide a stellar service. Your company might deliver something revolutionary and truly original, but if nobody knows about it then it will still be doomed to failure. It’s fair to say, then, that in the … [Read more...]
How to Protect a Small Business During an Unstable UK Economy
If you read the article “The UK economy 'limped' into the new decade as Britain heads towards Brexit” featured on Business Insider’s website in January, you would know all about how the UK economy fears recession, and just how unstable the economy is at present. What does all of … [Read more...]