It shouldn't come to a surprise that construction is one of the most dangerous industries. For every 100,000 full-time employees, 18 deaths occur each year in this industry. Construction workers use scaffolds, ladders, and cranes, which means they are at a high risk of getting … [Read more...]
An Insight Into Paradigm Shift Of Construction Industry
It's no secret that change in the construction field has been slow. Nevertheless, the advent of new technology, production processes and innovative thinking by younger generations has dramatically modernized the whole industry. Some changes are apparent today and many more are … [Read more...]
Thinking of Starting a Construction Company? Here’s How You Do It
Construction is a very lucrative industry and backs this up and predicts that with the current upward trend, it is expected that the industry will reach spending of 14 billion dollars worldwide. If you have been contemplating for quite some time when the right … [Read more...]
Why Is Security Important for Construction?
Security is vital for anyone – especially for construction workers. Currently, it stands as one of the biggest industries in the UK. And its work force is forecast to rise to 2.77 million members by 2022. Its growth will most likely warrant an even stronger emphasis on … [Read more...]
Challenges and Changes for Construction in 2019
There might be a shortage in skilled workers for the construction industry at the moment, but there’s certainly no shortage of challenges for the sector to face this year. With many of these problems rooted in the uncertainty swirling around Brexit, it can be difficult to pin … [Read more...]