The ability to develop and nurture mutually beneficial relationships is key to the success of any serious businessperson. In my travels, I often observe how people connect over coffee, dinner or on the golf course. The same can be said of social events such as film premieres, art … [Read more...]
How Insurtech Innovations are Changing Insurance Trends Worldwide
Digital technology has taken the world by storm, as we all know. There isn’t a single aspect of our life that hasn’t undergone major changes following the breakthroughs in IT. Every field of business has had to adapt to the new circumstances and only those companies who managed … [Read more...]
Is AI the Future of Customer Service? (Infographic)
Chatbot technology has come on leaps and bounds in the past few years. The global perception of chatbots is improving, and many businesses are waking up to the many potentials of artificial technology (AI), in the form of chatbots. One of the most common uses of chatbots within … [Read more...]
How AI, Machine Learning and Automation will Impact Business in 2018 and Beyond
We are living in exciting and innovative times with futuristic technology literally at our fingertips. But for the longest time, small to medium-sized businesses were not serviced by the latest tech trends enterprises have been able to benefit from. That is, until now. In this … [Read more...]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Energy – Infographic
There’s no question that Artificial Intelligence, or “AI”, is going to play a huge role in the future, so we thought we would delve into this new tech and look at how it can, and is, benefiting the energy sector and what we can expect to see from this AI phenomenon in the not so … [Read more...]