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If you run a small business, saving time and money is a must-do. Here are 6 office management hacks especially for small business owners!
Almost 30 millionsmall businesses currently operate in the US. Want to know what they all have in common?
They all stand to gain by becoming more efficient. Don’t, and they risk losing revenue and wasting resources. Offices are a prime example of where time and money can be wasted unnecessarily!
Looking to improve this area of your business? Keep reading for 4 office management hacks to help.
1. Hide the Distractions!
Gone are the days of working in silo, cubicle-style offices.
These days, it’s all about open-plan, wellbeing-focused, collaborative office spaces.
It’s all positive progress. However, distractions remain a problem for productivity! And mobile phones are often the number one issue! Browsing social media, checking the news, messaging friends—it all takes time out of the working day.
Having a dedicated place to put mobile phones out of sight can help. Otherwise, encourage employees to turn them off, put them in a desk drawer, and so on.
2. Outsource Roles and Responsibilities
There’s always a never-ending stream of things to do in an office.
Unfortunately, core responsibilities often get side-lined. With more tasks than staff to do them, it’s inevitable for employees to be taken from their primary role to complete menial jobs.
A great way to rectify this issue is to outsource menial work. Hiring a freelancer to fulfill the time-consuming errands can restore an employee’s focus to their actual area of expertise.
3. Have a Daily Scrum
Standing meetings are being used more and more in offices all over the world.
Otherwise known as a ‘daily scrum’, these short (5 to 10 minute) meetings at the start of the day gather the whole team in one place. People take it in turns to outline the tasks and challenges they’re facing that day.
By the end, everyone knows who is doing what. That communication facilitates problem-solving, team-work, and a sense of unity. This all serves to reduce time-consuming and expensive issues.
In so doing, it boosts efficiency and effectiveness.
4. Leverage Technology
Developing technology doesn’t come without its problems.
However, it can also be a major boon for office managers. Digital applications, for example, can promote easy communication, swift problem-solving, organization, and tracking of tasks, to name just a few.
There’s a bit of tech for any required task. There are social media tools like Hootsuite, communication tools like Slack, and even specific tools like The PayStubs for creating digital paystubs.
Leveraging technology can save money and time in almost every area of office life.
Final Thoughts on Office Management
There you have it: 4 office management hacks for a more efficient and effective small business.
Millions of businesses currently operate around the country. To become more profitable, every single one of them needs to focus on increasing their levels of efficiency.
Don’t, and they risk wasting time and money unnecessarily. Hopefully, this post has provided a few tips for how to make it happen.
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