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“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is — it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
In understanding brand awareness, everyone knows that a company is at its peak when customers use a brand name rather than the actual noun. For example, instead of saying cereals, they say “Kellog’s” or instead of saying money transfer outlet, they say “Western Union.”
With that in mind, how can a business person tell if his or her conversion rates are low due to a failing marketing strategy? What are the signs that his or her company is having issues in brand awareness? Figuring this out may be easy if the owner of the business is looking closely.
So, here are some signs that a business is having brand awareness issues and it hinders the success of the firm.
1. The brand’s social media presence is not strong.
Customer engagement. A business should put this first and should end with this activity. If a company fails to let its audience know their presence in the network where they are usually active, then the brand one step closer to becoming outdated.
Social media platforms do not solely boost the awareness of a brand, but it also offers a channel where a business and its prospects can interact and negotiate. It is also an efficient platform where your clients can ask your team questions and state their clarifications.
As a matter of fact, a marketer can also use content marketing here. Cite this scenario, for example, the company has social media accounts and pages, but it’s not getting enough feedback and engagement with its target audience. You can try examining if the content is something that is relevant to the business and the prospects.
2. The site does not rank well on Google.
One day, a marketer in Vegas, tried searching for “article writing service” in Google. The company he is working with offers this type of service. But sadly, he wasn’t able to see the website in the search results.
He also tried handing out his cheap business cards to some clients but they just disregard it. Why? Because aside from the business card needs high-quality printing and any other print advertising company are offering, they haven’t heard of the company name yet.
Here’s what he’s missing. He doesn’t need to spend thousands of dollars to hire the most experienced article writers who have been featured in Media sites in the digital marketing world. He doesn’t need to be an SEO geek himself or have an ideal search engine optimization strategy to rank in Google. He just needs guidance from a local marketing company that is trusted in the field of marketing.
All he and every marketer just need to do is to make sure that the company website is something that people can find in the search results. How will a marketer increase brand awareness if the business’s target audience can’t even locate the website in the search list?
Try conducting a little research on how to use Google’s Keyword Planner. This tool helps in identifying the keywords that are relevant or related to the brand. By creating compelling and engaging articles with the keywords found in the tool, a marketer is raising the chances of getting searched for the products and services the company is offering.
Instead of throwing a huge amount of money in purchasing ads, why not try developing a strategy for the business’s audience to recognize the brand. Create high-quality content, web pages that are SEO-friendly, and be active on different social media platforms.
3. The brand does not stand out in the competition.
Yes, a brand is around several competitors when it starts a business. But regardless of the number of competitors surrounding it, in the first place, it started the business because the owner knows that the brand has something to offer. Sadly, being unique alone doesn’t give every marketer a guarantee that the masses will notice how great your company is.
Most companies take their brand as their most valuable assets that they are more than willing to do anything just to protect it. Even in tough times, cutting the budget for the marketing campaign may affect the brand’s competitive advantage directly.
Marketers should spend some of their time in researching for the best ways on how to let a brand shine and get the attention of the public’s attention. Develop a marketing plan that will grab the attention of the public and will deliver results.
Boost Your Branding Through Social Media Engagement
Brand awareness is something that every business owner should take seriously. Without this, you cannot achieve your primary goal for your business: to succeed. Therefore, it is highly important for you to identify the signs if your company is becoming open to the hazards of brand awareness issues.