While homes, vehicles, and other personal assets can be insured, the sensitive data collected by insurance companies cannot. Indeed, insurers collect many different types of personal data when determining how much a customer should pay in premiums. From social security numbers to … [Read more...]
What Is Liability Insurance?
When it comes to insurance options for your business, liability insurance is something which is widely considered as essential. Its importance is something that cannot be underestimated. If you have not taken out a liability policy, then you are putting yourself at serious risk … [Read more...]
How to Protect Your Business in the New Year
As we move toward the New Year, we are in many ways entering a new world when it comes to protecting your business. Think of a bank for instance, once upon a time, a bank would have had a large vault where it stored its most precious assets - guarded by an incredibly thick … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Protect a Business from Financial Loss
You always need to think about how to keep your business out of the danger of financial loss if you are to drive it to success, so this is something that you should try to be aware of as much as possible in as many ways as possible. As it happens, there are a number of things you … [Read more...]
Workers’ Compensation and Your Small Business – What to Do When an Employee Sustains an Injury at Work
Opening a small business is no walk in the park. Aside from getting the finances to start your company, keeping it afloat, and providing customers with quality services, you also have to think about the safety aspect of your business. General liability, property, and vehicle … [Read more...]