Studies show that most people prefer to chat over email when compared to over the phone or even via text. For this reason, it’s so important that you are able to create a good email campaign because this can make all the difference to your marketing efforts. It Isn’t Optimised … [Read more...]
Does Your Business Know How to Innovate?
If there's one thing that every business owner should constantly be doing it's trying to keep ahead of the competition. After all, with a business world that moves at such a remarkable pace, falling behind the competition can have some pretty devastating consequences for your … [Read more...]
Six Super Suggestions for Sticking To your Business Budget
One of the least exciting topics in business is budgeting. The money that you have to spend with your business is usually decided when you sit down, and you write your business plan, but it’s not always the exact amount that you end up spending. Whether you like it or not, … [Read more...]
Signs It Is Time To Sell Your Business
Deciding whether or not the time has come to sell your business can be a difficult one, to say the least. After all, you have spent your whole life working hard to get to this point. It can be tough to let go of everything you have worked so incredibly hard for. However, selling … [Read more...]
Why the payments you support (and how you support them) affects your conversion rate
Your payment processing setup shouldn’t be a last-minute decision made after the rest of your eCommerce website is already built. You see, the payment processing decisions you make will have a direct effect on the conversion rates you experience for the next few years. And … [Read more...]