This article contains affiliate links. For more info, see disclosure. These days, the world of online retail can seem impossible to crack. Search for anything – clothes, furniture, electronics, skincare, toys, sporting equipment – you name it, there are millions of options on … [Read more...]
Tune In and Turn Off
Technology gives us the opportunity to be “always on” and the illusion of increased productivity. The reality is that it’s not healthy, and in the long run, you will be less productive. Even understanding this, it can be hard to resist the pressure to quickly check email or … [Read more...]
Trusting and letting go: Benefits of Delegation
As a business owner, I know that you feel you should be 100% involved with all the aspects of your business for it to run efficiently. You have to be aware of all the little details. You feel that you have to be involved in all the decision-making, whether it involves major … [Read more...]
The Power of Collaboration
The start of a new year is typically the time when the word - resolutions - gets overused. Personal resolutions, New Year resolutions, resolutions to get fit, go on the exotic holiday, purchase the desired car; improve the bottom line of your business. Now is as good a time as … [Read more...]
5 Distasteful Marketing Ploys to Avoid
My friend Eileen had a gray-striped cat named Nimbus whose greatest joy was to hunt in the backyard woods and drop his offerings at her back door. Eileen never knew what she'd find when she opened the door--a chipmunk, vole, mole, or bird. Nimbus was easily forgiven--he was a … [Read more...]