In the event that you are on the receiving end of calls from debt collectors, you need to maintain control of the conversation so as to reach an agreement on how you can pay the debt. One factor that works against many debtors is to appear all nervous and anxious during the call. … [Read more...]
All change: Implementing change
“Change will not come if we wait for someone or another time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." - Barack Obama Stirring words indeed from the US president, but from a business perspective, they ring a little hollow. Anyone who is … [Read more...]
Top 5 tips for becoming a successful project manager
Being a project manager is a lot more that simply giving out orders. It takes skills and patience that only certain people have. If you’re becoming a project manager, or have recently taken on a project, here’s some tips on how you can do it to the best of your ability. 1. … [Read more...]
Hosted or On-Site? The PBX Debate Simplified
Moving to an IP-PBX (private brand exchange) business phone system is a positive step for any business. Still, it comes with one substantial decision to make: does the company take full ownership of its PBX on-site or delegate hosting to a third party? When considering a move … [Read more...]
How can visual features help you sell products?
This article contains affiliate links. For more info see disclosure. Your visual identity paves the way for other forms of marketing. Whether you need a logo, you plan to print out leaflets, or even you want to enhance your marketing strategy online, visual features are … [Read more...]