It is only natural that you’re worried about failure when launching a business for the first time. Unfortunately, there is no way to completely root out the possibility of failure; the only thing you can do is increase your chance of success. Here are some neat tips that have … [Read more...]
How to Build a Crowdfunding Business
More than 95% of all companies fail in the first five years of their business development. The most common difficulty entrepreneurs face during this period is the lack of investment funds. Most new businesses are not able to produce a solid cash flow that can be reinvested into … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why Buyer Personas Are More Important Now Than Before
What makes an advertisement successful? The reasons could be as varying as the existing trends during its launch and as unique as the individuals that respond to it. A solid way to ensure that you start out on the right path is to know your target audience. This is where buyer … [Read more...]
Take Control of Your Social Media to Enhance Your Professional Development
It’s a common misconception that professional development comes from what formal education we have, what degrees we hold and what training programs we have completed. Unbeknownst to the masses, a large proportion of our success actual derives from our personal networks, in … [Read more...]
5 Elements of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign
This article contains affiliate links. For more info, see disclosure. With the vast influence of social media, email has no more use in online business marketing, right? Wrong. Any marketing specialist who feeds you this concept either doesn’t know the goldmine that is … [Read more...]