With the help of the internet, cloud-based services and collaboration tools, it is possible to run a successful business from your own home. The advantages of this are numerous, starting from the fact that you don’t need to lease an office space, that you can list some of your … [Read more...]
The Importance of Good Branding to Propel Your Business to the Next Level
The golden arches, the swoosh tick, a piece of fruit with a bite taken out; we don’t need to even say these brands' names for you to know who we are talking about. That's the holy grail of good branding: design that is simple, memorable and perfectly communicates your brand to … [Read more...]
The Social Media Ad Platforms Cheat Sheet – Infographic
In today’s digital age, brands with a social media presence are one step ahead of those who don’t. It’s clear that the social media wave isn’t ending anytime soon, which is why businesses must take advantage of it to be ahead of competitors. By giving your brand social media … [Read more...]
What It Takes to Understand Your Customers Today
It is a well-known fact among business owners that modern shopping trends all point to the Internet as the epicenter of customer growth. When it comes to attracting and retaining customers, the Internet has provided ample opportunity for businesses both large and small. Google … [Read more...]
Outsource your software setup or go it alone? What’s best for you?
As a small business, keeping tabs on your finances is essential. If you don't know how much you've got you can't spend it. If you don't know who owes you the money you can't chase it. And if you haven't got a cash flow your business can't grow. Which is why many small … [Read more...]