As a small business, keeping tabs on your finances is essential. If you don't know how much you've got you can't spend it. If you don't know who owes you the money you can't chase it. And if you haven't got a cash flow your business can't grow. Which is why many small … [Read more...]
Business Fleet Vehicles: How to Properly Manage Them
For many business organizations, a fleet of vehicles is an integral part of their core operations. This is both a matter of company’s reputation and day-to-day efficiency. The only problem is that fleets can be quite numerous and that there is a growing demand for fleet operators … [Read more...]
Things to Consider Before Outsourcing any Business Activity
The concept of outsourcing business activity has been far more effective and popular in business in recent times. For an increasingly evolving business environment, outsourcing certain activities are imperative as it gives business owners time to focus on other aspects of … [Read more...]
What Is Multi-Channel Approach & How Should You Prepare a Strategy for Your Marketing Campaign?
Long gone are the days when a single radio ad would send customers rushing to a store. Instead, companies must compete with a million distractions before they can direct customers to their products. Luckily, companies also have more ways to contact customers. Often called … [Read more...]
5 Elements that Need to Be in Your Marketing Plan
We earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. A marketing plan is used to outline your company's marketing strategy, including tactics, price points, and other useful information. All marketing plans evolve over time. Ten years ago most companies had plans … [Read more...]