Waiting until you see evidence of your business potentially being hacked is no longer an option. In the modern world, businesses face the critical threat of cyber-attack, which can effectively cause an organisation to completely shut down. It’s an unavoidable part of our … [Read more...]
Can You Spy On Your Employees?
Although it can be a controversial topic amongst staff members, workplace monitoring is a legitimate, legal method that employers can utilise as a way of protecting their staff and business. Methods include maintaining CCTV systems, viewing internet browsing history, checking … [Read more...]
Are You a Dreamer or a Visionary?
The etymology of ‘vision’ is found in the Latin word ‘videre’ meaning: to see. Vision may be further understood as your ability to strategise or practically think about the future of your business with wisdom and imagination. This practical thinking is specific and time sensitive … [Read more...]
Trouble and Strife: Getting Employees To Stop Bumping Heads
It's a case of fire versus ice when it comes to dealing with employees that won’t get along. It's not as easy as separating those that find it difficult to work together as you might think. For one, they may be excellent at what they do. Their minds are superb and they can not … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Motivate Yourself When Growing Your Business
When you start a company, your level of motivation and productivity tend to be high. However, as you keep growing it, staying motivated becomes much harder – especially if you’re experiencing some difficult times. There are many factors in the business world that can ruin … [Read more...]