Coordinating a corporate conference can be a demanding and overwhelming task to take on as, like organising any work event, it comes with a great amount of stress and preparation. With a substantial amount of responsibility and pressure to ensure everything is perfect, it can be … [Read more...]
How to Start Your Own Bitcoin Exchange Business
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are trending. Those who earlier invested in or mined Bitcoin are enjoying small fortunes and the concept is mainstreaming. Launching a bitcoin exchange business of your own is nothing close to rocket science. Nevertheless, you need to … [Read more...]
Q&A by Polina Khabarova from CROC
Tell us a little about your work journey to date I graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, receiving my first degree from the Philosophy Department and my Masters' from the State Management Department. After starting my career in the HR department of Merloni … [Read more...]
5 Ways Car Wraps Give Businesses a Strong Marketing Edge
Business owners know that coming up with a great product or providing exceptional service is only half the battle when it comes to achieving success. It's also crucial to get the word out about your business to the right people — to your intended audience. This can be done in … [Read more...]
Advantages of Working in Cubicles
A cubicle-based office is a single open workspace with several workstations. The concept of this kind of workspace promotes collaboration, which leads to more productive employees. These office workstations cubicles offer a sense of flexibility, as their design makes it … [Read more...]