Your knowledge and belief in value, money, prosperity, and expense will determine what type of investment you choose. As to the investment varieties themselves, there are many, and all of them carry their upsides and downsides. Real estate, gold, bonds, stocks, and mutual funds … [Read more...]
Ingenious Ways to Motivate Employees at Workplace
Apple, Netflix, Google, and Dell – What do these companies have in common? You might think that it is the fact that they attract top-tier employees–high performers who are naturally gifted at productivity. However, that’s not the case. What ties these and a lot of other … [Read more...]
7 Fabulous Corporate Phenomenon
When getting ready for work we may not feel as inspired as we would if we were heading out for the weekend. Workwear may not be exciting, but it can be for 2019. Update your Monday through Friday style and show up to the office with a little more pep in your step. Make … [Read more...]
4 Unconventional Ways Business Owners Can Improve Workplace Happiness
There are so many reasons to make your employees happy. A happy employee is known to be: The list is far longer, but the point has been made. The wealth of benefits you can experience from ensuring simple employee happiness really does impact your business’ ability to grow. … [Read more...]
What Is An Invoice? Understanding The Basics Of Your Business
If you are currently considering opening a small business, or if you are currently running a small business but have questions regarding the fundamentals, it is vital to know some general principles and terminology. Sometimes, when you have been running a business for a while, … [Read more...]