As e-commerce platforms continue to grow, the British high street continues to decline. Several big-name brands including Mothercare, and Thomas Cook have ceased trading, with experts citing the tough retail climate as the reason for their failure. Here, we find out how this … [Read more...]
How Can Construction Companies Operate Sustainably?
The construction industry continues to be one of the biggest polluting industries. The common products such as concrete, aluminium, asphalt, steel and so on required for construction jobs are directly responsible for driving up greenhouse gas emissions. The extraction … [Read more...]
What to Look for in Online Rental Websites
At its best, technology is making things easier for people to finish tasks, perform their jobs, and pay their bills. There used to be a time when you had to comb over the classified ads to look for vacant apartments or offices for rent. But finding one is only half the job. … [Read more...]
Effective Employee Recognition: High Impact at a Low Cost
To everyone’s benefit, today’s typical workplace is no longer viewing employee recognition as a bonus but a necessity. According to World at Work’s survey, 88 percent of companies already have staff recognition programs in place, ranging from bonuses, gift cards, or employee of … [Read more...]
Brand Collaborations that Shook the World
On the big screen, we’ve had Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, while, in music, we’ve had Queen and David Bowie, or more recently Beyoncé and Lady Gaga. One would not expect most of these partnerships to work, but they do, a bit like spaghetti and marmite, or avocado and chocolate — … [Read more...]