Work shoes are essential, for they enable you to perform your duties with ease. It is, therefore, critical that they stay in shape. When they do stay in shape, they will serve you for a longer duration. Saving you money and protecting your feet from injuries. Explained below … [Read more...]
7 Digital Currencies that Can Get Your Business through Covid-19
The novel coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed how people have lived and survived in the past eight months. Infecting more than 37 million people so far, and killing almost 1.1 million worldwide, COVID-19 is a problem that may not go away any time soon. Vaccine … [Read more...]
10 Writing Tips for Beginners – How to Adopt this new Skill and Stay Consistent
Starting out as a writer can be equally part fun and challenging. Learning a new craft and dealing with words is an art of its own. But not getting the outcome or professional rejection can be daunting. What's difficult in writing is communicating with people and … [Read more...]
Common Allergies in The Workplace
We all have the normal irritants at work, the domineering boss we love to hate, and the lazy colleague you assigned to handle a task. So, you end up working on the assignment alone, knowing very well you can’t rely on him or her. Finally, allergies. An allergy is an immune … [Read more...]
How to Safely Secure Passwords
Passwords are a crucial component of any online or activity. According to a report done by Verizon Data Breach Investigation Board, more than 90% of the people interviewed did not know how to come up with secure passwords. Even shocking is that 80% of hacking activities are … [Read more...]