Cyber-attacks are a threat to every business, not just the larger ones. Most SMEs will be subjected to a cyber incident of some sort, but it is how that attack is handled that matters.Reputation is important to any business and often it is how you respond to an incident that … [Read more...]
How To Leverage Discounts and Coupons to Increase Sales and Profitability
Offering coupons and discounts continues to be one of one of the most effective marketing strategies around. Despite this fact, many small businesses need to step up their couponing games. Nothing shows more antiquated prejudices about couponing than the fact that most small … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Working with a White Label Link Building Agency
When you begin offering marketing services to clients, either as an agency or a consultant, you have to look at all that you can truly offer. What skills do you have? How much of the marketing strategy do you want to help your clients with? Your menu of services can be expanded … [Read more...]
Why Is It Crucial To Leverage Facebook Advertising?
Facebook is still the undisputed king of the social media world. The platform has many users rather than any other social application. Currently, Facebook has 1.37 billion daily users, the highest among all the social applications. This shows the potential of Facebook. Almost … [Read more...]
Key Web Design Basics for Beginners
This article contains affiliate links. For more info, see disclosure. Many people think that the basics of good web design follow the same principles as that of graphic design. That assumption would be wrong. A good visual design is vital to a website, but even … [Read more...]