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Everyone loves a happy ever after. But for reasons, love grows old and waxes cold – things are no longer the way they used to be. At this point, both partners are considering a divorce on amicable terms; this is where a mediator comes into play. Spouses considering what is best for both themselves and their children can opt for divorce mediation. A mediator is an unbiased individual or agency that works would-be ex-spouses through resolving their marriage using a cordial and less-costly means. This expert oversees the following, and more:
- Fair allocation of spouses’ properties, including liabilities and assets
- Child custody, support, and maintenance
- Allocation of parenting time
- Taxation
- Retirement
A mediator works out specific arrangements with the individuals involved, some of which are straightforward and quick, and others complicated and sometimes time-consuming. The latter occurs when both spouses cannot come to terms with their “individual” divorce plans. The mediator ensures that both parties prioritize key factors concerning their divorce in order not to affect either party of their children. There is constant communication, clarification of constructive decisions, and even tests to ensure that each partner takes the ideal approach to resolving the relationship.
The mediator is there to ensure that the situation doesn’t escalate to a destructive or harmful outcome. There is no room for quarrels, arguments, or word exchanges. Both partners engage in a positive dialogue to come up with the best result. What makes the job of a mediator highly sought-after is that it provides an ideal, confidential, and harmonious alternative to endless court cases and strict rulings that may debar either individual of certain privileges and even cost them tons of money.
The Neutral Third-Party Advocate
As discussed before, a divorce mediator is a neutral third-party who does not show either spouse or parent “favouritism.” This divorce specialist has the interests of everyone involved in mind. Individuals who hire a divorce mediator tend to have an enjoyable post-divorce lifestyle – they can still maintain communication with their children and keep things friendly between each other.
It is not the job of a mediator to give either party advice. Such an individual or agency must remain neutral all through the divorce process. There is no taking side or pointing fingers. That is not to state that the divorce mediator does nothing and watches everything slide. This specialist helps the parties brainstorm on the ideal way forward. Consequently, the divorcing couple stays on the same page, thereby speeding up the negotiation process.
Partners who intend to file for a divorce can consult a divorce mediator to make the process seamless, less time-consuming, and more peaceful. A mediator can set up an appointment based on a specific timeframe – sometimes, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or as requested. Both parties decide on how the mediation process goes.
Average Timeframe for Divorce Mediation
Several factors influence divorce mediator duration, including pre-mediation issues that need settling and those to be addressed during appointments. Both individuals decide how long they intend to spend addressing their differences and come to terms with each other. Their decisions centre around finding common ground and best interest for everyone involved. If they achieve a significant part of this goal before mediation, the process will take less time.
Contrastingly, if spouses cannot address their differences outside of mediation, then a mediator is an ideal party to consult. As recommended, avoid settling disputes singlehandedly if the other individual is not cooperative or able to handle the situation calmly. It tends to escalate the problem and even make mediation complex and time wasting. Seek the help of a mediator immediately to help smoothen the divorce problem.
Generally, it takes about four to ten sessions to complete a pre-decree divorce mediation. However, several factors can either shorten or lengthen this timeframe, including the level of communication, understanding, compromise, and agreement between both partners. If they are willing to agree on a joint decision, the mediation process will be easy and quick. If things go south, they may see each other in court, thereby wasting resources or a worst-case scenario, losing custody of their loved ones.
How Much Does a Divorce Mediator Charge?
Why go through a series of court battles to lose or make things messier when there is a divorce mediator a phone call away? It is not uncommon to find litigated cases ending in a lose-lose outcome for either or both spouses. The atmosphere gets heated at this point, tensions are high, and both parties are at each other’s throat. Unfortunately, one party loses custody of the children or a significant portion of wealth to the other. It is a downward spiral from there. No one wants to find themselves in this situation. There is an amicable way to settle the divorce without hell breaking loose.
Besides, it takes less money to hire a divorce mediator than battle endless legal disputes. Some litigated cases can sit far above the $10,000 benchmark and run for over a year. On the other hand, a mediated case may cost just a couple of thousand dollars and last for at most three months. It is worth noting that very few people derive satisfaction from a litigated divorce, compared to the feeling ex-couples get from a mediated divorce. Would-be divorcees who want the best for their children and other relatives find divorce mediation an ideal choice. It is a better way to get a divorce without creating a scandal or attracting unwanted individuals into one’s affairs. Besides, no one wants people with no knowledge of their lifestyle, telling them who will be in the custody of their wards or what to do after divorce.
What Makes a Divorce Mediator Special?
Couples who settle divorce disputes in court do so in a public domain that attracts people from all walks of life, including those not related to these individuals. As such, their issue is made known to strangers. Additionally, there is the case of attorneys pitting both spouses against each other. Besides, whatever ruling the judge gives is final. On the other hand, a mediator provides confidentiality between both parties. The specialist ensures that both spouses work out an agreement, factoring their interests and children’s interests when filing for divorce. It is a win/win situation for everyone.
Selecting a Divorce Mediator
The intricacies of a divorce depend on several aspects. It becomes complicated when children are in the scene. Parents would naturally seek an amicable option to dissolve their marriage without hurting their kids. As such, a divorce mediator comes in handy in addressing factors like child support, visitation, and custody. However, this process’s crucial part is selecting the right mediator – one well-versed in conflict resolution and state divorce laws.
A reputable mediator does not take sides with the divorcing couples. Such an expert brings both parties to an agreeable term without a conflict of interest. Additionally, mediators are known to bring out the best result that will benefit all the individuals involved.
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