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People want results.
You may be the nicest person in the world with good manners, an excellent pitch, cool niche area of expertise, fantastic dress sense, look good, speak well, have a great product yet – in the final analysis – people want results. Not just any result but results that work for them. Results that will improve their quality of life. Results that will make things easier or better for them. Results that will increase market share or maximize their profit margin. Results that add value to what they are already doing. Apple® recently announced financial results for its fiscal 2014 first quarter ending December 28, 2013. The company posted record quarterly revenue of $57.6 billion and quarterly net profit of $13.1 billion, or $14.50 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $54.5 billion and net profit of $13.1 billion, or $13.81 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter.
The Apple brand is so easily identifiable that its logo incorporates the actual fruit! It gives you a new experience via its cellphones, laptops and other products. I am not endorsing the brand merely using it as an example of a business that believes in and delivers the results we just spoke about. You have the ability to model the principles that successful companies demonstrate. The sea and the taps in our homes both contain water, just in different quantities. You can admire large companies whilst duplicating their achievements on your terms. How? By being authentic.
One of the reasons creative people like singers/actors connect with us is because they stand out. We remember their idiosyncrasies, the things they say and even what they wear. There is a direct correlation between the expression of their core values and the public support they receive. We love that they are brave enough to be themselves…and we show our acceptance by giving them our time and love and money. Do you feel where this is leading? As you embrace your core values and define who you are in business; you will see this reflected in your brand and the results you will confidently deliver to your global audience. You are the best example of all your brand represents so creating time to understand who you are is a useful ongoing exercise. Here are three tools you can use to connect with who you are:
1. Assign 15mins each day for yourself. This is an opportunity to be positively selfish by giving yourself some of the care and attention you give to others around you. It’ll also encourage you to slow down and be quiet for a moment so that you can reflect on you.
2. Get an effective life coach/mentor because you will need clarity and guidance as you step into your continued success. There is much benefit in interdependence and we all need somebody objective in our corners on a regular basis.
3. Believe and apply yourself to the mastery of your chosen field/s and learn as much as you can on a daily basis. Continued professional development can be a tad tedious but its necessary. You don’t need to copy your main competition but you’d be a fool to not be aware of who they are and what they offer. There is always room for improvement whilst you enjoy the blessings you have from moment to moment.
You are the only person that can do what you do. This is why striving to be authentic is a win/win philosophy. There is no need to reinvent the proverbial wheel; just ensure it spins at a better pace! Add YOUR special touch to the process, product or plan. Identify trends in the market, be selective about the industry events you attend and ensure that people feel what you are promoting. When they like your brand and it produces results they desire – they will come back for more and more and more. Time and time again. This may sound simple and that’s because it is simple. The paralysis by analysis becomes a distraction by association. Stay focused on what you are passionate about and apply strategic ways to bring it into reality.
You are all that you will become.
The effective way to produce tangible results is by staying true to the essence of you. Shakespeare wrote of being true to thy self and the inner walls of pyramids in Egypt speak of the benefits of self-knowledge. All that we need to succeed is already within us and we bring out that which is within by utilizing certain tools, learning from certain people and doing what is required to achieve the goal/s. The beauty of authenticity lies in its simplicity. Just: Do you. Be yourself. Embrace all that you are. This is not a sprint race; it’s a marathon where you get stronger and more productive along the way. Keep up your daily motivation.
The key is understanding and living by principles of success as opposed to principles of failure. Self-empowerment provides the key to the door of positive results in your life and increases your ability to add value to others in business and all aspects of life.
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About the Author

Malik Muhammad was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and the author of ‘Empower Yourself to Succeed’. He created The Empowerment Mastery System to influence, help and inspire businesses to cultivate their visions in a specific time frame. Malik enjoys vegan cooking and quad biking. He is an after dinner speaker, event host and convenes empowerment seminars internationally.
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