As busy entrepreneurs working long hours, getting a good night's sleep is essential. This quest for a good night's sleep has led to various innovations in bedding and mattress designs. One such innovation gaining traction is the incline mattress, which offers a unique sleeping … [Read more...]
Sleep Problems: Types of Disorders, Causes, Treatment, and More
Lack of sleep can affect your productivity and overall quality of life. You wake up tired and have difficulty concentrating on your tasks. You feel moody all day and dread nighttime because of staying awake for hours or waking up frequently. Conversely, a good night’s sleep is … [Read more...]
Keeping Those Plates Spinning: How To Cope With Stress As An Entrepreneur
The skills an entrepreneur needs are many and diverse. From balancing the books to polishing that perfect sales pitch, the list of learning curve items seems never-ending. But what most small business owners underestimate is perhaps one of the most vital skills of all: emotional … [Read more...]
Too Much Stress Is Not Good For Business Owners
As an entrepreneur, it is believed that you have to work extra hard so that you can be an extra mile ahead of your competitors, which is true. This includes waking up very early in the morning and going to bed late at night. But sometimes this can overwork your brain and body and … [Read more...]
Why Business Owners Have a Hard Time Sleeping
Do you have a hard time getting sleep at night? Do you wake up regularly in the middle of the night or the wee hours of the morning and have a problem falling asleep again? Do you experience exhaustion upon waking up? Consider yourself one of the 30 million Americans who is … [Read more...]