As a fitness trainer, you may ask or have asked yourself at one time, 'How do I build my fitness brand?' Asking yourself that question already paces you steps ahead of the competition. First, building your brand is far more complicated than just the social media … [Read more...]
Fitness gyms and running a business
The very fact that you have decided to join a fitness gym is proof enough that you have made a good choice. But choosing the right fitness gym is as important as what fitness gym you choose. Here are some guidelines on how to choose a fitness gym: Choosing a gym can be … [Read more...]
Is Staying Healthy Part Of A Corporate Professional’s Job: Things To Note
Every time the words fitness, health, and exercises are mentioned, most of us tend to equate the same with physical well-being. Things like having a better personality, impact on internal organs like the heart, and lowered chances of cardiac arrests, diabetes, and other ailments … [Read more...]
Top 3 Gyms: Opening Times for Any Busy Schedule
If your favourite method to destress after a long day in the office is a good cardio session, or if you are working towards a stronger, healthier body, you will know the gym is a feel-good place away from the chaos of everyday life. Since April 2021 saw the opening of … [Read more...]
How to stay fit and healthy at work
Staying fit and healthy while pursuing professional goals can sometimes be very challenging. Many workers have to sit at a desk or in front of computers throughout the day, that some even find themselves skipping meals or not having the time to do other activities aside from … [Read more...]