Sopra Banking Software uncovers why it is that men still dominate senior positions in Tech and why men are out-earning women, even in equal positions. The UK gender pay gap won’t close until 2069 unless measures are taken to combat it now. That’s another 53 years that women … [Read more...]
A Guide to Employee Recognition
Employees are a company’s most valuable asset and should be recognized for all the work they do for a company. Motivating them to go above and beyond is extremely important for a successful business, and recognizing employees is a great way to increase productivity and improve … [Read more...]
Training The Employees of The Future
Employee training means preparing your staff for the future, but what about the future of employee training itself? Even though the way we teach has remained the same for thousands of years, it still has the potential to change. Like everything else in business, it’s vital to … [Read more...]
Disorganised Employees Can Cost Managers Up to 10% of Their Salary
AnyJunk take a look into the implications that cluttered desks can have on a business and its employee productivity, as well as tips and solutions for decluttering the office. The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) found in a study that disorganisation can … [Read more...]
4 Legal Mistakes Often Made by Startups
Every start-up entrepreneur needs to be aware of the fact that all employees that work in the company are entitled to various civil rights. Issues like pay disparity, safe conditions of workplace and other legalities must be adhered to if you do not want to be at the receiving … [Read more...]