The Arab humanity stretches to more than 20 countries. It is composed of over 200 million people. While it is vital not to make use of a wide-ranging brush to portray those who compose the Arab world, there are a lot of nuances that can be seen whether you are visiting Qatar, … [Read more...]
Changing Organization Culture – The Shifting Tide of Work Culture
In 2022, the shifting tide of work culture will continue to increase as workplace volatility grows, new variants emerge, and hybrid work will create more unevenness. These trends will be accompanied by long-term technological transformation, continuing DE&I journey, and … [Read more...]
Seven Best Tips To Help Create An Amazing Work Culture In Your Company
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life?" While that may be true for some people, most of the workforce doesn't feel that way. In fact, most people dread going to work every day. But what if it didn't have to be that way? What … [Read more...]
Pay Equity and Why it Matters
Going to work is a drag for most people, but it needs to be done. Waking up in the morning, making a cup of coffee, and hitting the road to do the same thing for eight hours can be challenging. But bills need to be paid, and people have to eat, so it's a necessary sacrifice for … [Read more...]
Creating SMARTIE Goals for Your Workplace for Continued Growth
Goals are something that pretty much everyone makes for themselves, but, for many different reasons, they are also things we often forget to work towards when life’s daily tribulations weigh on us in a given week. Goals are things that, generally, take a little extra work to … [Read more...]