Until recently, when people talked about brands, they were usually referring to large companies that spend millions of dollars on establishing their position within their industry. However, this is no longer the case. Small businesses are also able to create a recognizable brand … [Read more...]
How to transition from freelancing to starting your own company
Freelancing is a great way to independently find your way in the working world. Being your own boss and in control of what work you choose to do - or not do - is seen by many as a luxury and a way of being in charge of your own destiny. But there comes a time in your freelancing … [Read more...]
Should You Hire an Internet Marketing Expert?
You might have been a successful business marketer for many years but marketing a business online is a whole new game. There are a lot of new things to learn and understand for running a business online like which platform to use for building a website and which hosting service … [Read more...]
How Personal Trainers Can Build Their Own Brands
You already have done what it takes to become a personal trainer, such as opting for a course such as the popular personal trainer certification online. You have a pretty good idea of how to work with clients, create a course of action, and implement it. Do potential clients … [Read more...]
Scaling A Business From Zero To A High Street Brand
I’ve long been fascinated with the plethora of “get rich quick” schemes that plague my Facebook timeline. Not a day goes by when I don’t have a friend pushing the latest pyramid scheme about the next big range of healthy shakes that guarantee rapid weight loss - A well-marketed … [Read more...]