In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the packaging industry is experiencing a transformative shift driven by technological advancements. No longer just a protective shell for products, packaging has become a dynamic medium for enhancing consumer engagement, optimizing … [Read more...]
How AR and VR are Transforming the Future of Businesses
Modern technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have increasingly piqued business owners’ interest across different industries in recent years. So far, businesses have explored various applications of AR and VR to improve and expand in innovative and … [Read more...]
How Augmented Reality Can be Applied in Manufacturing
Augmented reality is quickly being absorbed into video and the entertainment industry, but it has also been especially useful in other industries. When coupled with the richness of 3D environments and enhanced through the IoT, augmented reality offers increased efficiency, … [Read more...]
3 Opportunities for VR and AR Tech in the Business World
“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” – Richard Branson Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, from a tiny vaccine to a gigantic airplane. An opportunity may come from anywhere and it takes a good businessman or woman to notice … [Read more...]
How Real Estate on Blockchain Works
Blockchain is being adopted and recognized more and more as a technology that all industries can benefit from. Just like how the Internet has created an online world, soon, everything will be on-chain. And one of the companies that is making headway is Transmira, Inc., a pioneer … [Read more...]