Selling on Amazon is not for the faint of heart. While this leading online ecommerce platform boasts billions of users from all over the globe, there are also over 9 million Amazon sellers worldwide—making it a highly competitive platform for sellers. Besides … [Read more...]
A Guide to Selling on Amazon
Considering selling on Amazon – here are some great tips to do well. 1. Excelling at Customer Service Amazon puts a lot of focus on customer service. Customers like that too. Many customers say that customer service matters more than the price and product. This is … [Read more...]
What Is Amazon Automation? Things to Consider Before Starting an Automated Business on Amazon
Have you ever wanted to make a passive income by building a store and selling your products on Amazon? Well, the vast number of competitors makes it difficult to sell products on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms. If you are among the thousands of sellers and find it … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Offer Stellar Customer Service on Amazon
It is a known fact that Amazon values it's buyers and places them on a high pedestal. It prioritizes top-notch customer service as one of the key factors to establishing a powerful brand on Amazon. For this reason, the giant has placed stringent rules and policies for sellers to … [Read more...]
How to find profitable products to sell on Amazon FBA in 2021
Finding a profitable product is the first step to becoming a successful Amazon FBA seller. If the product is not in demand, there is very little you can do to change your fortunes. That is why you cannot leave amazon product research to luck. It has to be based on relevant and … [Read more...]