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Most workers asked to take up an international post will usually love the idea and grab the opportunity wholeheartedly. After all, it is a great chance for them to experience living in another country and possibly experience faster career advancement.
However, not all employees who are asked to relocate will find the idea appealing. Some may have families they do not want to leave behind or uproot suddenly. In addition, not all professionals are open to new experiences as well and would prefer to stay where they are comfortable.
In such instances, offering an employee relocation package that is hard to resist and ensuring your workers will get the support they need from the start to the end of their move and during their stay abroad can help change their minds.
But whether your workers are excited about an international move or still hesitant about it, the important thing is to keep them motivated and engaged throughout the process.
Motivation and Employee Relocation
Keeping your employees who are about to move overseas motivated is crucial because of the following reasons:
1. They still need to continue their day-to-day tasks.
Although employees who are relocating have to prepare for their international relocation, they have to continue doing their usual work before their move.
They have to stay productive and complete their daily activities; otherwise, your company’s usual operations and output will be affected.
If your employees are worried about their upcoming move and uninspired to work, they won’t perform to their usual standards, affecting workplace productivity.
2. You need to keep them loyal to your company.
Employees who are hesitant about taking up an overseas position may think about leaving your company.
This is true if they feel they are not getting the support they need and an attractive employee relocation package.
Without any reason to feel motivated and excited about their move, these employees may decide to leave your company and look for another job.
Therefore, it is crucial to make them feel valued and appreciated. Offer them something significant in return, such as a family relocation package or a major raise.
3. You have to get the ball rolling for your employees’ transition.
Motivation is a crucial element that will help workers experience a smooth transition to their new workplace and home.
If the employees do not understand the purpose of their move and feel they will get nothing from it, they will have a harder time with the entire transition.
This, in turn, will affect their performance in their new workplace and ability to adjust to their new home and lifestyle.
So, work with human resources to keep your people motivated and excited about the move overseas.
How to Keep Employees Motivated Throughout the Relocation Process
With motivation playing a vital role in the international relocation experience of employees, you need to know the right strategies for boosting their interest in and excitement about their upcoming move.
Below are some useful tips for keeping your employees’ spirits up as they go through the whole international relocation process:
1. Create different relocation packages to suit every employee’s needs.
Employees about to make an international move have different requirements. You can get them excited about relocating and stay driven by making sure you meet their needs.
This means coming up with relocation packages that meet the specific needs of each employee.
Start by thinking of packages based on the marital status of workers. Single employees have different needs from those who are married with children and couples without children.
Single parents have a unique set of requirements as well.
When you consider the background and personal lives of your employees in their relocation package, provide clear details, and inform them beforehand, so they know they will have plenty to look forward to. Moreover, they will continue performing to their usual standards.
2. Include ready accommodation in the package.
Finding a home is one of the biggest challenges employees will face when they relocate overseas.
If your workers do not have any ready accommodation or get support in finding a home, they will be worried about their move, which will affect their mood and productivity in the workplace.
One of the best things you can do to keep your employees’ spirits up before and reduce their worries about their move is to give them assurance that they will have a ready home once they arrive at their destination.
If you have the budget, find a flat or house with enough rooms and spacious enough for the number of employees relocating.
Have one of your employees or relocation experts view different rental properties. Ask them to send you photos, details, and their opinions regarding the accommodation options so that you and your team can choose one where your employees can be comfortable.
The people handling this part of the job should also help with negotiating the contract terms of the property, checking for repairs, finalizing agreements, and preparing the units for the arrival of your employees.
This kind of support enables your employees to know that you have their best interests at heart.
3. Communicate with and keep your employees updated often.
As soon as you have made plans to relocate some employees and they have agreed to it, arrange group and individual meetings and speak to them about it.
Discuss all the details of your relocation package. Highlight benefits and what they can expect before, during, and after the move.
Every week or so, give your employees updates, especially important ones, regarding their move. Also, ask them where they are in their preparation and if they are working within the timetable.
If your employees are well-informed of and constantly updated about the relocation process, they will feel better about the move and experience a smoother transition.
4. Involve your employees in planning their move.
When you ask your employees what they need when they relocate abroad, their input regarding their future home, date of flight, moving plans, and other details, they will feel less pressure.
Additionally, when they are involved, they will be more interested and invested in the whole process.
A good start is to talk with them about the moving timelines and schedules. Make sure they are comfortable with all these so that they won’t feel rushed and pressured about the move.
Ensure they are involved when you set your goals and expectations for their relocation. This will also help them stay motivated and engaged in their work and move throughout the process.
5. Ensure all details are ironed out.
Lastly, reducing your employees’ worries and stress should be your priority before their big move. You can do this by making sure they will be legally compliant in all regards when they arrive at their destination.
Depending on which country your employees are headed to, you need to keep a sharp eye on the various legal conditions they have to meet before, during, and after their relocation.
First, find out if your employees’ entry or travel visas and work permits are in order. Both are important to ensure they can enter and work in the destination country.
You also need to check if they need to have travel, accident, and medical insurance.
It will also work to your and your employees’ advantage to get details about taxes and social contributions they have to pay.
International employee relocations are rarely straightforward. Keeping your workers motivated throughout the process can make matters even more complicated.
If you need help with transferring your employees abroad, work only with trusted relocation experts.
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