Timely payments are essential for every business. An online invoicing system helps in simplifying the business invoicing process and getting paid in a timely manner. Here are some tips to get paid quicker with online invoicing. Send Professional Invoices Sending out … [Read more...]
Social Media Security Threats – Infographic
In terms of scale, volume and method, online attacks are only getting bigger and badder. Enterprises find themselves facing off against brand new attack vectors, with social media being the most daunting. Reports now show attackers exploiting the virality and trustworthy nature … [Read more...]
5 Keys Points to Consider for Brand Building
This article contains affiliate links. For more info, see disclosure. The best businesses know the importance of a good logo. They also know what makes the logo so important, that it is, in most cases, the identity of a business. Moreover, an ambitious business strategy will … [Read more...]
The Ultimate App Guide for Event Planning – Infographic
Are you stressed about an event you're planning? Are you finding that there is too much work and too little time to do it? We know the feeling, but luckily, we now have apps that can do some work for us. The great thing about these apps is that most of them are free, and the … [Read more...]
Tips for Running a Small Family Business
Great world economies are fueled by the competitiveness of their market. And the foundation for a truly competitive market are small family business. That is probably why this branch of the economy attracts most investments worldwide. Because of that, all countries strive to put … [Read more...]