Hosting a networking event can be something that requires huge focus and attention. When business owners attempt to bring people together it can require them to access pools of time not available on a regular basis. It can and will be difficult to host a networking event, but … [Read more...]
Know Your Options: 5 Exit Strategies for Your Business
Even the most successful entrepreneurs carefully plan their potential exit strategy. Carefully planned exits are usually much less painful than sudden and spontaneous ones. There are many practical reasons why entrepreneurs quit their businesses. Some of them are hooked up to the … [Read more...]
What You Need To Know About Bounce Rate (BR)
In simple terms, your bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who land on one of your website’s pages and then leave without viewing any of the other pages on the site. As a result, it can be one of the most useful metrics for assessing website and web page performance … [Read more...]
How Happy Employees Can Lead to a Happy Company
Employees who engage with their work and like their job are 59% less likely to seek employment elsewhere within 12 months and 19% more likely to volunteer extra time to the company than those who are disengaged from their work or dislike their job. The most common reason for … [Read more...]
Happy 66th Birthday Richard Branson – Infographic
Happy birthday Richard Branson! One of the UK's (and the world's) most admired entrepreneur and self-made billionaires, will celebrate his 66th birthday this July 18th. Let's take a look back at the private and professional life of the former school leaver's fascinating … [Read more...]