If all goes to plan, Britain will leave the EU no later than April 2019 now that Article 50 has been triggered. It is expected that this will have an impact on the recruiting field especially as the pool of specialists from the EU is likely to dramatically shrink. This means … [Read more...]
Why CRM is CEM – Infographic
Technology is changing the game. Customers are more accustomed to connected services, transforming how we do business. Businesses need to think beyond traditional CRM and consider how new technology can be used to make everyone responsible for Customer Experience Management … [Read more...]
The Perks of Making Your Business Sustainable
While it is true that 9 out of 10 startups result in failure, this is not something you should focus on during the launch. In order to have a chance at success, you need to assume right from the beginning, that your business will stick for a while and start executing some moves … [Read more...]
Is stress affecting you at work?
At one stage or another in our lives, most of us will be affected by stress to some degree. It can be brought on by things like divorce, bereavement, money worries, workplace problems or family conflicts, or it can simply build up as a result of many smaller issues in our lives. … [Read more...]
Building A Referral Network For Your Business – Infographic
The emergence of new digital platforms, especially social media sites, have given small and medium-scale businesses the opportunity to reach hundreds and even thousands of potential customers on the Internet easier and more efficiently. Restrictions that businesses concerned … [Read more...]