One of the constant challenges most small businesses face is to get their brand and product exposed to customers and clients who are really interested in their products or brand. TV ads and general marketing tactics often work on a hit-or-miss strategy where they reach out to a … [Read more...]
Writing vs. Blogging: What Makes Them Different
Nothing ruins Sunday brunch with your relatives like having to describe your job description for the nth time before they trigger an existential crisis. “I blog,” you say, and they respond with, “How is that different from writing?” You can’t seem to respond with an explanation, … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Tidying Up: Toward a Seriously Clean Work Environment
In today's competitive world, you want to do your best to keep your business running in tip-top shape. Doing so could help you improve overall efficiency in the workplace over time. That's why it's worthwhile for you to invest in a clean work environment. After all, … [Read more...]
5 ways for small business owners to de-stress
Stress is a normal part of running a small business, in fact, there is probably something that is causing you to stress right now, even as you read this. Business is one big ball of stress rolled into one, everything from making sales, filling orders, paying staff, … [Read more...]
The Rise of Couple-preneurship
“You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure”: this is a cliché that is proving to be ever more irrelevant. There is a growing force of Couplepreneurs who not only have managed to start successful businesses but also maintain healthy relationships. Granted, it could be said that … [Read more...]