Technology is at breakneck speeds in terms of development – and for different generations, this means that they've gone through different stages of technology and have been shaped by the technology available to them at the time. The differing stages of technology that were … [Read more...]
Recruitment Dilemma: How to Deal with a Lack of Experience and Skills
When it comes to recruiting talent into an organisation, it can be challenging, to say the least. When the global financial crisis hit in 2008, companies had their pick of candidates but the tides have turned and now it seems that businesses are facing a fresh set of challenges. … [Read more...]
6 Really Bad Corporate Gift Ideas to Avoid
Since the holidays are coming, you might want to present some gifts to your business clients. In order to do that, you might be looking for some corporate gift ideas. Or maybe you already have found an idea. Then what is this post about? In this post, I am simply going to give … [Read more...]
International Retail Expansion 101 – Infographic
Expanding internationally can indeed be a viable strategy for brick and mortar retailers looking to scale their business. However, it requires careful planning, research, and execution to ensure success in new markets. Here are some key considerations and steps to keep in mind … [Read more...]
9 Effective Habits of Millionaires You Need to Adopt – Infographic
Becoming a millionaire is more possible today, than ever before. Discover the 9 effective habits of millionaires to adopt now in the infographic below. Let's delve into each habit in more detail: Adopting these habits alone may not guarantee wealth, but … [Read more...]