Is cash dead? Many have been predicting this for some time now. Even though online shopping is ever increasing, the disappearance of cash is still some way off, if it will ever happen. So, let's take a closer look at the future of money in the business. What is Cash? What … [Read more...]
Formulating an Internet Marketing Strategy: The Ultimate Guide
In today’s marketing landscape it’s probably safe to assume that most of your marketing is conducted online. A survey conducted in 2017 showed that 51% of companies had a digital marketing plan and as more customers and businesses encounter online marketing every day … [Read more...]
Most common locations for serious work injuries
When we think of work injuries, we often think of construction sites and factories as dangerous places, but there are many places where you could be injured on the job. Offices, highways, hospitals, mail routes are also some of the places where workers can be injured on the … [Read more...]
5 Savvy Ways to Diversify Your Investment Portfolio
As an investor, you probably already know that you shouldn’t put all of your eggs in a single basket. Otherwise, if something happens to happen to that basket, all of your assets will be destroyed. The same goes for any type of investment you make. As an investor, you should … [Read more...]
5 Free Storage Ideas To Using Cardboard Boxes
Due to the increasing pollution and global warming, we all must play our role and take care of the environment. In such a case, it is imperative to recycle things as much as possible to not end up in landfills as soon as they leave our homes. If everyone takes an active role in … [Read more...]